
Top 10 Packing tips

Moving house can be stressful. So we’ve put together a few tips to help you pack and hopefully take some of the stress out of moving.

What you’ll need:

  • Boxes of various sizes – you can pick cardboard boxes from your local supermarket
  • Bubble wrap / Old newspapers
  • Packing tape
  • Marker Pen / Labels

How to Pack:

  1. Give yourself more than enough time to pack before your move date. Don’t leave packing to the last minute.
  2. De-clutter. Get rid of anything you no longer use. Donate old clothes and items to charity. Larger or more expensive items can be sold on auction sites such as eBay.
  3. Pack non-essential items first. Anything you won’t be using before your move.
  4. Pack one room at a time. This will help to keep things organised. Label boxes as you go, with the items and rooms they belong too. Pack breakables securely, making sure to pad them out with bubble wrap or old newspaper and clearly mark the box.
  5. Pack heavy items at the bottom of the box. Don’t overload boxes making them to heavy to carry (or likely to break), risking injury.
  6. Pack an ‘essentials’ and ‘overnight’ bag of items you need instant access too. Make sure these are accessible. Essential Items may include:
    • Toiletries
    • Medications
    • Toilet paper
    • First Aid Kit
    • Clothes
    • Utensils
    • Plates
    • Drinks, such as tea and coffee
    • Snacks
  7. Keep important documents such as your driving license, passports, birth and marriage certificates in a safe and accessible place.
  8. Do you have pets? Moving can be stressful for you and your pet. Moving them out of the home while you pack may be helpful. Ask family or friends if they can look after them for a few hours.   
  9. Not all removal companies will transport hazardous materials. Check first and if necessary, dispose of waste safely. These can include:
    • Paint
    • Cleaning products containing bleach
    • Pesticides                
    • Asbestos
    • Batteries
  10. Think about parking in advance. Do you have parking space or will a permit be required? Let neighbours know well in advance.

By following these tips, packing and moving should be a little less stressful. Alternatively, contact us for our removal options and have us supply the packing materials, or better still, our professionals can pack it all for you prior to moving.


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